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Special Meeting Notice




The Village of Britton will hold a public meeting on the proposed Water System Improvements project for the purpose of receiving comments from interested persons. The meeting will be held at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 28, 2024, at Village office’s meeting room. The purpose of the proposed project is to improve the Village’s water system. Project construction will involve replacement of the existing Village water tower with a 150,000-gallon elevated water storage tank, with a new tower and well pump upgrades. Impacts of the proposed project include minor traffic operation and increased local noise and dust levels typical of a construction project. There are no anticipated long-term impacts from this project. The estimated cost to users for the proposed project will be dependent on the terms of the financing proposed by EGLE for this project. The estimated project costs are totaled to be approximately $3.2 million.


Copies of the plan detailing the proposed project are available for inspection at the following location: Village of Britton office building, 120 College Ave, Britton, MI 49229. Written comments received before the meeting record is closed on Tuesday, May 28, 2024, at 6 p.m. will receive responses in the final project planning document. Written comments should be sent to: Jim Frayer, Village of Britton, 120 College Ave, Britton, MI 49229.